Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear. God.

Virtually sold out, EVERYWHERE. I am dying for this pump. The price isn't even that unreasonable for this dazzling, there are no words to describe the beauty of this shoe. Does anyone know how I can get my hands on a size 37? We don't have a Louboutin store where I live. Help!


Unknown said...

hermosos zapatos!!!!!!!!!!

me encantan!!


GFS said...

THose are bad ass!!! What's w shoes being sold out? I'm being losing sleep because I can't find the Prada Leopard Ankle Straps that Karla wore on Karla's Closet!

I want them as my wedding shoe so bad!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...


Kori said...

Wow those are amazing! I wish I could afford go girl!

If you get a chance, check out my post today, we're doing a novel release party about the release of my first book! I'd love to have you stop by and be a part of the party! Have a fabulous Fashion Friday love! Kori xoxo

Jennifer said...

O...M....G! There are no words. It's been a long time since I've had my breath taken away by shoes. Wow!

Kelly and Sara said...

I love them! Would be perfect for the 4th of July!

Idee Fixe said...

Call Hope at the Saks shoe department in NY. Tell her I referred you. She will go above and beyond to try and locate a pair at a Saks across the US. Sweet as pie, and knows her stuff! If I can find her email I'll send it privately. They are gorgeous, here's to Hope finding you a pair!

From Broadway said...

these are awesome!!!!

Rose said...

Gorgeous shoes! Sorry I can't help.

Smita said...

The color combination is fantastic. The blue is superbly rich.

Anonymous said...

The Louboutin Mago Pump is absolutely breathtaking! I agree with you when you say, "there are no words to describe the beauty of this shoe". Your lust for shoes is perfect for our crazy shoe community! Would you be interested in contributing your content?

We’re looking for media contributors and/or writers, videographers and photographers who would be interested in contributing great content to the site, like you have here on your website.
To get a better understanding of the community we are building please see:

If you’re interested, send me an email at

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

GFS said...

These had me at hello!

GFS said...

Damn...I must really like these shoes! I commented twice....well three times now.

I'm stupid.

SheHasCuteShoes! said...

I'm with you! I can hear them calling my name through the screen! ;)


CLPig said...

Nice post!. love the color, simply amazing!

Pigalle Passions
The biggest Pigalle Spotter site in the world

Tracy Wilson said...

Why do i suddenly imagine fireworks and a beach at sunset???

I think I'm in love-