Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Dream Is Realized

I apologize for the delay. I know I promised this to you all yesterday but Tuesday night I got knocked out with the most intense and horrible migraine. I was miserable. I didn't even watch Glee. I just laid in bed and wallowed in my own misery. However today, I am back with a story to tell.

Memorial Day weekend 2010 I spent a wonderful weekend in Chi-town with two dear friends from college. Saturday after spending an amazing two hours at the Matisse exhibit (which was absolutely stunning, by the way) we ventured down Michigan Avenue and ended up at Nordstrom. After perusing the racks of sale merchandise only to be sorely disappointed that everything that caught my eye was either a 1/2 size too small or a 1/2 size too big I glanced over to my right and spied THE table of all tables. "Hark, are those red soles, I spy?" Now I don't know about you all but we (in the STL) are apparently not worthy enough to have a Louboutin section in the shoe department at our local Nordies. Naturally I had to walk over to said table. Just to look. And pet. After a minute or two of heavy petting I thought, "What's the harm in trying on a pair or 3?" And I did. And it was glorious. And wouldn't you know it... a pair came home with me. I took the liberty of documenting the occasion for you all and for the sake of prosperity.

The shoe pile. I will say there is nothing like standing and looking behind you in the mirror and getting a peek of that red sole. Instantaneous shoe high.

The man who sold me my first pair of Louboutins. He was an absolute delight.

And for a closer look

Christian Louboutin - Simple Pump


  1. Awww Happy Louboutin Day! Hopefull I'll have one of those experiences in my lifetime!

  2. Congrats on your first pair. You must be thrilled1

  3. Your so lucky. I want a pair so bad.

  4. WOW congrats! If I were to ever get a pair, they would be the simple pumps too, not too high so I can wear them all the time!

  5. Hurray!! I'm so glad you got a pair. They are fabulous!


  6. Congrats! what a beautiful and classic first pair! enjoy them!

  7. A classic shoe that will never go out of style. Job well done!

    I love that the salesman was game to take a picture dedicated to the shoe obsessed. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I KNEW IT! YAY, for being right:p CONGRATULATIONS!! You picked classic yet gorgeous pumps..I am excited for you:p I CANNOT wait to get my own Loubies one day (sigh)

  9. I am about to get my first pair of Louboutins too ! Actually I got my first pair and the sizing was way off. Too small. Had to return them and now I am deciding on which pair to replace them with ! I understand the excitement !


  11. I can't believe this! I've been dying for the simples but they're all sold out! ARGH!
