Thursday, May 6, 2010

Loser + Pizza and a Shoe

So I'm not really sure what is going on but I've managed to lose 2 followers in the past week or so. Boo hoo. I'm sad. Really sad. Did I do something offensive? Have I lost my shoe mojo? Please stop abandoning me. I'm starting to cry myself to sleep at night.

But seriously I've been thinking about changing things up and would love nothing more then to discover what you all would like to see. What can I do differently to keep you engaged in the blog? Would you like to see a more personal approach? Pictures of me and my shoes maybe once or twice a week? I have to be honest I've been pondering that idea but frankly I'm not that comfortable in my own skin anymore. Maybe a weekly or bi-weekly photo shoot will help me get past all of that. Any suggestions/ideas would be most appreciated! I love to blog and I love nothing more than getting feed back from you all. So keep those comments coming and stop leaving me damn it!

Alright now enough of MY bellyaching. I'm sure you all are dying to know what I bought from wish with my groupon. I will say that I think what I ended up with was truly what I was meant to get. But, sadly, they were out of my size in these. I couldn't even try them as the next size up was one whole size bigger than what I wear.

Tory Burch - Beckett

So here is what I bought

Tory Burch - Reva

Now the reason I say it was meant to be is I've had the Reva flat on my wish list for two years now and I truly believe it was kismet. Especially since when I picked them up the display was my exact size. As soon as I slipped them on, I knew. Finally. The Reva is mine. I am beyond happy and the best part is they only cost me $144 and some change. Thanks to my groupon.


  1. I became a follower officially though I read your blog every day anyways!

    I love to see shoes in real life, on someone's feet. So if you don't feel comfy doing a head-to-toe shot, at least take a photo of your feet! And tell us if you like them, if they're comfortable, etc.

    Congrats on your Revas...they are beautiful!

  2. @Faith J. Thanks for "offically" becoming a follower! I appreciate your daily visits more than you know. Thanks for the feedback too!

  3. love the revas- they are fabulous and I'm glad you finally got them! It's always so nice to cross one off the shoe list :) Don't worry we love you and just so you know you were the first shoe blog I ever saw which inspired me to do mine!


  4. Those wedges are divine! Too bad I'd have to give up completely eating for two full weeks to buy them (yay college!)

  5. Great post gurrrl! I'm uber jealous of the Reva flat--those are continuously on my wish list! Keep up the good writing and fun shoe posts. You're doing a great job! I DO think personal pics would be fun though. I've been thinkin' of trying the same thing once I get a good camera. Happy Thursday! <3

  6. Doesn't that kinda make you wonder why you lost a follower? I have that following too sometimes. Like what did I say? What did I do? Do I not up date enough!

    But then I get over it when I see sugar cookies:)

    I would like to see you rocking your shoes more often. It's different seeing an advertisement than on your feet.

    I'm kinda like that about blogs. If I don't see personal pics of people rockingtheir style and just "runway" photos...I tend to not come back to their blog...but I do love shoes so yours an exception!

  7. Yayyyyy! I love the flats (I actually like them more than the other ones you wanted to get).

    I would LOVE to see actual photos of you and your shoes (you should show your whole outfit though - you're always so cute)! :)

  8. I like your blog, but I think the old "pictures of shoes I like" idea is getting a little stale.
    I would love to see in-real-life pictures! Or maybe posts about web sales or coupon codes. And maybe I'm spoiled, but I really like posts at least once a day (although I'm sure that's difficult at times).

  9. Oh and you totally should do a post on what your closet looks like...well really the shoe part.

    I'm always curious as to how people store their shoes for some reason:)
