Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

It seems that many of you are wanting to see some shoes. But not just any shoes. My shoes : ) Thank you so much to everyone for your feedback after this post. Please keep it coming. My ultimate goal is to make you all happy and with that I've decided to do a bi-weekly post of what I'm wearing. For now I'm going to keep it to just the shoes but as I gain more confidence I'll consider moving to the entire outfit. And now, without further ado...

Vince Camuto - Marcia

Um so don't mind the pasty, pasty skin. Despite the fact that I slather tanning foam on my legs every other day I'm apparently immune. I absolutely adore these shoes. Friday was only my second time wearing them. They pinch the front of my toes just a smidge. Definitely more of a standing and posing or sitting on a patio while drinking some wine shoe than a I'm gonna run a marathon kinda shoe. I kept the rest of my outfit pretty simple. Just a black blazer and watercolor print tank top. Anyhoo. I hope you liked the first edition of my shoe feature. Anyone wanna help a gal out and come up with a creative feature title? I welcome any and all suggestions.


  1. Oh I like, I like! This so much more real for some reason. It makes me think..."okay, she actually own some of those pretty shoes"!

    For a title of this feature:
    1. Walk A Mile In These Babies
    2. In My Shoes
    3. My Shoe Diaries

  2. Awesome! So nice to see them on your feet! As for a feature title, you always have clever ones, maybe "Now wearing..." or "Walking in my shoes" Sorry not very good...

  3. These are adorable. I love that you cuffed your jeans to show them off. I've been doing that a lot lately.

  4. I love those Vince Camuto shoes, they came in this awesome purplish color, I wanted them really bad.

  5. Love love LOVE these shoes! :)

    Plus, yay for the real photos of you wearing them!

  6. OMG,I HAVE them in blue leather.. and I am wearing them today. I had to take a picture for you: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4027/4622227778_a807ceb5a1_o.jpg

    I love them so much although they are uncomfortable to walk in but who cares, right? lol
